President's message

- Nurturing industrialists based on the founding spirit -
President Kazuhiko Ogawa
Since its founding, our school has been guided by the founding spirit of "Be great ordinary people" and has striven to train industrialists who possess both attractive human qualities and the practical skills to contribute to the development of society.
Currently, our university is located in the central manufacturing area of eastern Osaka, and is a comprehensive university with 6 faculties and 13 departments, and has produced approximately 100,000 graduates to date. In order to continue contributing to society and industry, our university will continue to adhere to practical education and make constant efforts to improve education.
In the past few years, concepts and technologies that will transform society, including AI, have been spreading, and we are being asked to continue educating ourselves in order to respond to these changes. The knowledge we learn may quickly become outdated, but the experience of thinking for ourselves about what knowledge and skills are needed to deal with unknown problems and working hard to acquire them will lead to abilities that can be utilized even after graduation. We hope that students will acquire the skills necessary to be relevant in society through our consistent curriculum, with graduation research, seminars, master's and doctoral theses as the culmination of the curriculum that cultivates such abilities.
All faculty and staff at our university are committed to making tireless efforts and working together to train students who can learn independently. In order for students to acquire the ability to educate themselves and to sustain that ability, in addition to curriculum-based education, collaboration with the local community and industry, including joint research, project activities, and extracurricular activities are also important. By collaborating with the local community and industry and sending capable students out into society, our university hopes to contribute to society.
- 【full name】
- Kazuhiko Ogawa
- 【date of birth】
- January 22, 1958
- [Current position]
- Professor, Faculty of Engineering
- [Educational Background]
- March 1981: Graduated from Faculty of Engineering Production Department of Mechanical Engineering of Engineering, Kobe University
- March 1983: Graduated from Osaka Sangyo University Graduate School Graduate School of Engineering Mechanical Engineering
- March 1986: Graduated from Osaka Sangyo University Graduate School, majoring in Production Science
- [Degree]
- March 1986: Doctor of Engineering (Kobe University)
- [Work history]
- April 2012: Dean of Faculty of Engineering Osaka Sangyo University (until March 2016)
- April 2016 -Academic Affairs Department Osaka Sangyo University (until March 2017)
- April 2017: Vice President Osaka Sangyo University (until August 2020)
- September 2020 (Reiwa 2) - President's Advisor, Osaka Sangyo University (until March 2021)
- April 2021 (Reiwa 3) - Vice President Osaka Sangyo University (until August 2023 (Reiwa 5))
- September 2023 (Reiwa 5) President of Osaka Sangyo University (to present)
- [Academic conferences, social activities, etc.]
- Regular member of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Regular member of the Japan Society of Marine Engineering (currently the Japan Institute of Marine Engineering)
- Regular member of ISA - The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society
- ISA Japan Chapter Newsletter Editor
- Regular member of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences
- Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences Kansai Branch Secretary
- Representative of the Kansai branch of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences
- Editorial committee member of the Japan Institute of Marine Engineering (until May 2018)